James Williams is the President of Bugei Trading Company, Inc. He has been studying martial arts since 1960 and teaching since 1975. James has trained, competed in, and taught a number of different martial disciplines: Japanese, Okinawan, Chinese, Filippino, as well as the Brazilian system of Jujitsu as taught by Rorion and Royce Gracie. His experience includes western wrestling, which he also coached, as well as competing in boxing and kickboxing. His love of samurai martial traditions came with his study of the Yanagi ryu of the Yoshida han under Don Angier Sensei and the martial traditions of the Kuroda han as taught by Kuroda Tetsuzan Sensei. James also studied Daito ryu Roppokai with Okamoto Seigo sensei.
James Williams also teaches Close Quarters Combat to police and military both foreign and domestic. The method used, “The System of Strategy,” is based on those skills developed and cultivated by ancient warriors. He is the designer of the “Hissatsu,” a close quarter battle knife that is produced by Columbia River Knife and Tool. James is certified as an instructor of Systema, an Ancient Russian Martial Art taught by Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev. James Williams sensei teaches Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho, (kenjutsu, iaijutsu, tanto jutsu and aikijujutsu) and The System in Encinitas California.
“James Williams of Bugei Trading Company fame, treated the Blade Show attendees to a rare show of skill with the Japanese sword. We were all quite impressed by Mr. Williams’ poise and presentation as he used both one and two handed cutting techniques to sever 4 inch and 5 inch bundles of Tatami (rice straw) mats. In particular, we enjoyed seeing Mr. James Williams make multiple cuts in rapid secession and even sever falling mats in mid air. But perhaps the greatest exhibition of skill was the finale where Mr. James Williams demonstrated how a highly killed swordsman could suddenly drop low to the ground to avoid an opponent’s blow while simultaneously drawing and cutting with his own blade. Most impressive! While Bugei Trading is a fierce competitor of ours in the sword business, we never want to become so mean spirited that we can’t recognize real skill and ability when we see it. We congratulate Mr. James Williams on the fantastic demonstration we were privileged to watch and encourage all of our readers who love swords not to miss it next year!”
Lynn Thompson, Cold Steel Knives
Martial Arts Experience
- Wrestling at the high school and collegiate level
- Kenjutsu-Japanese sword art
- Iaijutsu-Samruai sword art
- Shorin ryu Okinawa-te
- Tanto jitsu-Samurai knife art
- Takwondo
- Hojojitsu-Samurai restraining art
- Judo
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Aikido
- Temple Tai Chi
- Arnis de Mano
- Hung Gar Kung Fu
- Boxing
- Kick-Boxing
- Tang Soo Do
- Aiki Jiu Jitsu-Samurai unarmed art
- Systema-Russian military art (certified in Russia)
Instructional Experience
- Coached wrestling – Jr. High and High School Level
- Taekwondo
- Tang Soo Do
- Coached Boxing and Kick Boxing
- Currently teaching:
- Kenjutsu
- Iaijutsu
- Aikijujutsu
- Systema
- Military combatives and knife defense
- Police Arrest and Control and knife defense
- Teaching seminars and giving demonstrations throughout the United States & Canada
- SureFire Institute Low Light and Combatives Instructor
Specialized Experience
- Employed as personal bodyguard
- State of California Concealed Weapons Course
- Current CPR qualified.
- Designer of the Hisstasu, a CQB/Anti-Terrorist knife being produced by
- CRKT (Columbia River Knife and Tool).
- Military Experience
- U.S. Army Infantry
- Military Police
- 6th Army Competitive Pistol Team
- Officer Candidate School Graduate
- California Post Certified Firearms Instructor
- Advanced Hostage Rescue Course graduate SFI Low Light Instructor
Agencies and Personnel Taught: List incomplete
- Naval Special Warfare Combatives Instructors
- Law Enforcement SWAT agencies nation wide
- USAF Air Mobility Warfare Center
- State of California Correctional Facility Emergency Response Teams
- Singapore Police STAR Unit
- Brazilian National Police
- Trinidad Police
- ALERT Academy
- COPEX (Covert Operations Exposition)
- US Army Special Operations
- US Navy Special Warfare
- US Marine Force Recon
- US Air Force Special Operations
- Edged weapons and combatives instructor for the Surefire Institute
- Government Security Agencies
- Special Operations Units from Allied countries
- Agencies and members of State, County, and City Law Enforcement nationwide
Articles published in:
- Aikido Journal
- American Hangunner Magazine
- Tactical Annual
- Combat Annual
- Combat Tactics
Television Appearances
- National Geographic “Force Recon”
- Discovery Channel “The Ten Greatest Weapons”
- Outdoor Network “Shooting Gallery”

To learn more about James Williams and his System of Strategy, visit his school listing on the Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory or FindADojo.com by clicking on the image on the left.