Instructor's Center’s Instructor’s Center shares information for school owners and instructors and articles and biographies about martial artists from around the world.

Tom Patire CDT

Tom Patire CDT Compliance, Direction, Takedown

Tom Patire is the founder and senior instructor of the CDT (Compliance, Direction, Takedown) method of empty-handed non-deadly force. He has a diversified tactical and...
Jeff Collins

Jeff Collins Modern Arnis

Master Jeff Collins has been a student of the Martial Arts since 1962. He has studied Modern Arnis and Escrima as well as Judo,...

Tu Lam

Tu Lum is an edged weapons master who has studied Filipino martial arts, military tactical weapon fighting, and designs his own blades. Tactical blades...
Amaury Murgado

Amaury Murgado

Amaury Murgado grew up in Miami, his father, Angelo Kennedy, a Bay of Pigs Invasion veteran. While other boys were playing with toys, Amaury...
Wiley Clapp

Wiley Clapp

Wiley Clapp is one of the most respected names in handguns today. A former U.S. Marine and law enforcement officer, Clapp has written about...
Charles Lewis

Charles Lewis

Charles Lewis Jr. was born on June 23, 1963 and died on March 11, 2009. He was an American businessman, promoter and entertainer. Known...

Brent Crisci Kempo

Brent Crisci, New England based martial arts instructor and competitor is a 20+ year veteran of the Kempo/Kenpo Arts. He has a lineage that...
Jerry Aiello

Jerry Aiello ShitoKan International

Dr. Jerry Aiello has practiced Japanese Budo (traditional martial arts) and zen philosophy since 1967. In 1974, he established ShitoKan International. In 1998, Dr....
Tom Ingargiola

Tom Ingargiola Shaolin Kenpo and The Strike Master

Tom Ingargiola has been teaching the Martial Arts for over 17 years, at his West Babylon, NY location which also serves as the Long...
Phil Little

Phil Little Isshinryu Karate

Grandmaster Phil Little studied Isshinryu Karate under the late North American Pioneer, Grandmaster Harold G. Long for over three decades. During his competition years,...
Gregory Bledsoe

Gregory Bledsoe: Taekwon-Do

Master Gregory Bledsoe was introduced to the martial arts as a young boy when his neighbor taught him basic karate techniques. His career as...
Byron Mantack

Accountability in the Martial Arts

I submitted this article because there has been a disturbance in the force and I feel this is being caused by a lack of...
Scott Sonnon

Why Scott Sonnon Got Started in the Martial Arts

Doctors claimed my joint pain related to osteochondrosis, which basically means as I grew my connective tissue didn’t adhere to my growth plates like...

WR Mann

WR Mann is a speaker, author and coach / instructor for the Reality-Based-Program Defense Science ( was formerly: He was an early advocate...
Haku Michigami

Haku Michigami Judo

Judo Master Haku Michigami was born on October 21, 1912 in Ehime Prefecture, Yawatahama City, Japan. He was an excellent fighter and an exceptional martial arts...
Sonie Lasker

Sonie Lasker

Sonie began her martial arts training while living in Tel Aviv, Israel. When she moved back to the states, she met Kyoshi Donna Judge,...