Martial Arts Business

Martial arts instructors can learn more about Martial Arts Business on

Stephen Oliver's Martial Arts Wealth Mastery

How Much Can You Spend to Generate Enrollment

Everyone has heard that you should spend approximately 10% of your gross revenue on advertising. However, that doesn't answer many important questions about how...
Brian Carmody on Blogging

Double Your Students With Your Blog

Advertisement You can double your students with your Blog. Its not hard, and its even easier with my help! Every great military leader in history, and the...
John Graden

My $5,800 A Month

When I opened my school in 1986 I was a top martial artist. I had fought all over America and Europe on the U.S....
John Graden

What Does Practicing Religiously Mean

If someone says, "they are practicing religiously," what does that mean to you? Does it mean they never miss a martial arts workout? Or,...
John Graden

To Incorporate or not to Incorporate

A sole proprietorship essentially means that you are the business. You and your school operate as one entity. You are the sole owner (hence,...
Effect of Modern Marketing on Martial Arts

The Effect of Modern Marketing on Martial Arts and Traditional Martial Arts Culture

Abstract The Effect of Modern Marketing on Martial Arts and Traditional Martial Arts Culture examines the effect of modern marketing strategies upon martial arts activity...

Pillars of Income for Martial Arts Schools

For many Martial Artists, it is their dream to turn their passion for the Martial Arts into a full-time career. However, unless schools are already...