Articles and Biographies

Articles and Biographies includes biographies and articles about martial artist instructors from around the world on

Ronnie Colwell

Ronnie Colwell Interview

Q. Ronnie Colwell, your last public interview was way back in 1984 in Combat Magazine. Why no interviews until now? RC. For the last 20...

Bill Kipp: FAST Defense Global

Bill Kipp, owner of Fast Defense Global, has become a leading authority on the subject of adrenal stress response training through decades of colorful...

Elena Tverdokhleb, Kickboxer And Boxer

1. Give us a little background about yourself and both your careers, as a boxer and sports lawyer. As a child, I went into sports,...
Gerardo Cantore

Gerardo Cantore Shinshinkan Karate Do

Soke Gerardo Cantore is a 10th Dan in Shinshinkan Karate Do. He is the Founder of Shinshinkan Karate Do (SKD) and the President of Shinshinkan World...

Sam Combes Yoshinkan Aikido

In his teenage years in Hawaii, Sam Combes studied Karate under Hirokaza Kanazawa. Upon entering the Honolulu Police Department in 1963, he shifted the...
Ray Arquilla Iron Dragon Kosho Shorei Kenpo

Ray Arquilla Iron Dragon Kosho Shorei Kenpo

Ray Arquilla began his martial arts training in 1965 under the Tracy Kenpo System. He earned his Shodan, 1st degree Black Belt in 1972....

Nicklaus Suino Iaido

Nicklaus Suino Sensei has studied and practiced martial arts since 1968. He began teaching at the Asian Martial Arts Studio in Ann Arbor, Michigan,...

Fernando Figueroa

Fernando Figueroa began his martial arts training in 1993. His first system was Angry Tiger Kung-Fu. This system was modeled after the demeanor, and...
C. K. Choi

C. K. Choi

1941 - C. K. Choi or Chang-keun Choi born in Korea during Japanese occupation. 1956 - C. K. Choi Began training in Tae Kwon Do and Karate...
Paul Dye Kenpo

Paul Dye: American Kenpo

Mr. Paul Dye began his Kenpo career in the Fall of 1972 at the Dave Hebler's Kenpo Karate Studio in Glendora, California, which is...
Gary Moro

Gary Moro Aiki Jujuitsu

Kyoshi Gary Moro has trained for over 20 years has operated his dojo since 1993. His studies began with Hiroshi Yachigusa in the art...
Deanna Bivins

Deanna Bivins Champion Weapons, Kata and Sparring

It is easy to see now, what Lou Casamasa saw then, in a young Deanna Bivins when he and his son Chris, handpicked her...
Ricardo Johns

Ricardo Johns

Ricardo Johns was born in the former Panama Canal Zone. He began his martial arts training at the age of 14 under his Sensei,...

Tayari Casel

Oso Tayari Casel is the founder and director of the Tayari Casel Martial Arts Academy, Inc.; an institution that researches, demonstrates and spreads the...
Meitoko Yagi

Meitoku Yagi Goju-ryu Meibukan

Meitoku Yagi was born on March 6, 1912 in Kome, Naha City, Okinawa. He was Chinese and his family can be traced back to...
Dave Adams

Dave Adams

Dave Adam's journey in martial arts began in 1960, in a small Judo school in Charlotte, North Carolina. After obtaining a black belt status,...