David Brown is a veteran of the United States Air Force (7.5 years AD, Honorably Discharged) and a retired law enforcement officer with 25 years of diverse experience. He is currently credentialed under the Federal Law Enforcement (LE) Safety Act through the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department in Albuquerque New Mexico. David is also a certified NM Probation Parole Officer. Although retired he retains current LE certification with the State of NM Department of Public Safety LE Academy. David has extensive experience as a homicide, violent crimes, sex crimes and narcotics investigator, as well as inter-agency liaison. He is licensed with the NM Regulation and Licensing Board (NMRLB) to provide training in all three levels of certification for security guards within the state of NM.
In January 1988, David Brown founded the Four Winds Martial Arts Academy in Albuquerque New Mexico. He holds Master rank in the Academy’s primary system – Si Feng Wu (Four Winds Way). He holds an 8th Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate and a 1st Dan in Tang Soo Do. David also teaches Yang and Chen style Tai Chi Chuan.
Through Triad Defense and the Four Winds Martial Arts Academy, 25 year, retired law enforcement professional David Brown provides expert training for individuals or companies seeking training in the use of force, firearms, martial discipline and verbal conflict management.
State of New Mexico Certified Police Officer
Certification Number: 87-0144-P
State of New Mexico Certified Probation Parole Officer
Inactive status
Edgewood Police Department, Town of Edgewood, NM (June 15, 2009 – November 30, 2011)
Position: Sworn Police Officer
Enforcement of NM State Traffic and Criminal Laws
Responsible for publishing and executing search and arrest warrants in Santa Fe County
Responsible for felony case investigation and preparation
Assistant evidence custodian
Santa Ana Police Department, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM (January 2009 – April 2009)
Position: Sworn Police Officer
Enforcement of NM State, Federal and Tribal Law on the Pueblo of Santa Ana
Assistant evidence custodian
New Mexico Department of Corrections, Certified Probation Parole Officer (PPO),
Region II, Sandoval County Special Programs (July 2007 – December 2009)
Position: Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) Fugitive Apprehension Officer
Initiated, supervised and executed fugitive apprehension efforts
Developed, supervised and executed quarterly, or as needed, Special Operation Tactical Plans (SOTP) utilizing multi-jurisdictional task forces
Conducted after-action analysis of intelligence obtained from SOTP initiatives for subsequent publication and dissemination to participating agencies
Monitored, analyzed and reported on probation/parole Region II gang activity
Conducted armed escort of unarmed PPOs during high-risk field calls to assure officer safety, arrest of probation violators, and agency operations policy compliance
Multiple topic instructor for Department of Corrections Academy, Santa Fe, NM
Seminar guest speaker
Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Sheriff – Retired in good standing(October 1986 – April 2007)
Uniform patrol (six years, six months)
Detective: homicide, violent crimes, sex crimes, crimes against children, white collar and undercover narcotics, courthouse judge security/risk assessment (14 years)
Initiated, supervised and participated in numerous multi-jurisdictional task forces
White collar crimes instructor, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department Academy
Acting supervisor on numerous occasions for uniform patrol and detectives division
Four Winds Martial Arts Academy(www.fourwindsnm.com), School of Martial Arts, Sifu (Chief Instructor), 8th Degree Black Belt (January 1988 – Present):
School management
Grand Master Si Feng Wu, Kung Fu
Master instructor for Yang and Chen styles of T’ai Chi Ch’uan
8th degree black belt Chinese Kenpo, 1st degree black belt Korean Tang Soo Do
Began martial arts training in 1971
Triad Defense (david@triaddefense.com)
Special Projects Manager
Martial arts program advisor and chief instructor
Chief firearms instructor
Verbal Diplomacy: Critical Communications instructor
United States Air Force
Recipient of Commendation Medal, Meritorious Service Award and NCO Leadership School Commandants Award
Staff Sergeant, Office of Special Investigations (November 1986-1988- Reserve), Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMTI) (February 1980 – November 1986 – Active Duty – Honorably Discharged):
Office of Special Investigations Special Agent, Holliman Air Force Base – Reserve
Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate Trainer- Active Duty
EMTI supervisor/shift leader, Kirtland AFB (KAFB) NM, emergency room
Supervisor, Second Echelon Mobility Team, KAFB Hospital
Supervisor, KAFB Pediatric Unit
Supervisor, Minor Illness Clinic, Vance Air Force Base Oklahoma,
Law Enforcement Formal Training and Specialized Experience
Formal classroom training: Total of 2,518 hours of specialized law enforcement related training as of 2013. Following does not include NM biennial training requirements:
Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Academy – 720 hrs
NM Department of Corrections Probation Parole Academy – 160 hrs
Detective (non-specialized) – 200 hrs
General LE – 446 hrs
Homicide – 152 hrs
Narcotics – 328 hrs
Sex Crimes – 80 hrs
Traffic Enforcement – 56 hrs
Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics, firearms, impact weapons, less than lethal – 304 hrs
White Collar – 80 hrs
NOTE: Formerly employed by NM Department of Corrections in a position requiring a Bachelor’s Degree. Law enforcement training and experience was accepted in lieu of degree.
Specialized Experience
New Mexico Department of Corrections (NMDC) Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) Investigator. Assigned to interface with and improve working relations between NMDC and Rio Rancho Department of Public Safety Police Department
Designated contact officer for intelligence dissemination and resource support to any agency requesting assistance from NMDC in Region II
Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department (BCSD) Detective assigned as liaison to state, local and federal agencies for multi-jurisdictional efforts
Homicide Detective: Two year special assignment to the University of New Mexico Child Fatality Review Team research project. Published.
Task Force Management/Supervision:
NMDC, STIU investigator assigned to organize, facilitate, and supervise numerous projects such as the NM Probation Parole 2007 NM State Fair Gang Initiative. Projects required grant acquisition/administration, personnel management, NMDC policy compliance oversight, critical incident management and after-action reporting.
Drug Enforcement Administration Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force case agent/manager
Areas of In-Depth Law Enforcement Expertise:
Detective: Homicide investigations, crimes against children, violent crimes, long-term conspiracies, street-level and high-end narcotics investigations
Gang intelligence: Crime signatures, link analysis, tracking and reporting
Special operations tactical planning/management: Narcotics reversals, undercover buys, controlled delivery of contraband, surveillance ops
Fugitive apprehension: Recovery efforts management/planning
New Mexico Adult Probation and Parole: NMDC systems, policies, procedures, academy instructor, academy curriculum developer
Crisis management/planning
Instructor Certified:
NRA certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
NRA certified in the Home Personal Defense Instructor
NRA certified Basic Pistol Instructor
State of New Mexico certified Concealed Carry Instructor
State of New Mexico Private Investigators Board of Licensing certified instructor
NMDOC certified Defensive Tactics Instructor, John Boren Principles: Hand-to-hand (above ground), ground control (grappling), chemical agents (carry and disbursement), collapsible baton, cuffing principles, edged weaponry, verbal judo
United States Department of Energy Ground Control Instructor Certified
University of New Mexico Basic Instructor Certified
United States Department of Energy Basic Instructor Certified
NMDOC Moral Reconation Therapy Certified Facilitator
Personally Developed Courses of Instruction
Courses most recently taught for New Mexico Department of Corrections Probation Parole
Tactical Urban Pistol (8 hr)
Tactical Urban Rifle (8 hr)
Use and Carry of Edged Weapons (8 hr)
Verbal Diplomacy: A Study in Critical Communication (8 hr)
Special Operations Tactical Planning and Execution (2 hr)
Narcotics Special Operations/Search Warrant Publication and Execution (8 hr)
Officer Survival (8 hr)
Narcotics Recognition (2 hr)
Search and seizure procedures (4 hr)
Informant resource management (8 hr)
Report Writing (4 hr)
Fundamentals of Investigations (8 hr)