Downtime Training: The Fighter’s repose is about training your body to repair. For the true fighter, there is never any real off-time. When a fighter lays off his training he runs the risk of a difficult re-entry, especially if he’s been off training for some time. There is something that I call, Downtime Training. Maybe you’ve just finished a long training camp for an important fight. The fight’s over and there’s that need to do nothing, at least for a little while, but nagging at you is the thought that doing nothing after such an intense period could put you into a downward spiral. That’s where “Downtime Training” comes in. It consists of doing other things, while your body is recovering. They’ll keep you well-tuned, while not detracting from the need for R&R. My favorite of all Downtime Training is what, in Yoga practice is known as the Corpse Pose. I don’t like that term, so I call it something very different depending on who I’m working with. The main facet of it is that it allows your body to repair at the cellular level, makes up for lost sleep, improves immune function and refreshes the mind so that it works more efficiently. There have been many boxers over the years who would be waiting in their rooms pre-fight, in an almost sleep like state, while others are pacing the floor. The tacticians seem to be drawn to going within and finding that spot where nothing can distract their thoughts on winning and who have been very successful. So for this first in a series of Downtime Training techniques we’ll learn:

The MMA Fighter’s Power Repose: Find a quiet spot where you can lay down on a comfortable surface, undisturbed for 30 minutes. Lay on your back with your feet about hip’s width apart. Place your arms a bit outward from your body with your palms turned upward. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth while breathing through your nostrils, you simply let your breath flow in and out allowing it to find it’s own rhythm. Mentally begin to tell your body to relax, while tensing the part slightly and then forgetting about it, in this order; left big toe, 4 small toes on the left foot one at a time. Arch of left foot, left ankle, calf, knee, thigh and hip. Do the right side. Relax your spine, the two long muscles that are along side of your spine, muscles between your shoulders, abdominal muscles, internal organs, chest. Continue with your left thumb, each finger, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder. Repeat on right side. Relax your neck, your vocal chords and your tongue; left side of face, eye/eyebrow. Right side of face, eye/eyebrow. Chin, lower lip, upper lip, bridge of your nose, space between your eyebrows, forehead, back of your head and base of your neck. You may wish to cover yourself with a light blanket as this process drops your inner body temperature as it puts you in a kind of stasis. Continue to breathe slowly and lightly allowing your breath to become very light. This pose will also work wonders at restoring you after surgery, or prior to a very challenging fight—-if performed 1 hour before. Add this very powerful pose to your fighting arsenal and you will have a very powerful tool for staying young longer, repairing injured tissues, and recharging your inner battery. It can be used to substitute for one nights sleep. I don’t recommend this, but it will give you results if you need it.

Time Needed To Perform: 30 minutes
Best Time to Perform: After or before the main event