Senior Grandmaster Casey McPartland is martial artist with 40 plus years of training and teaching students martial arts from three basic directions:
- The Art and its beauty and form
- Sport, with its timing and rules
- Self-defense in all its ugliness
Over the years, Casey McPartland studied aspects of many martial arts, both classical and contemporary, and now holds a 9th degree Black Belt and the title Senior Grandmaster in the Gaylord Method Kajukenbo under Senior Grandmaster Pete Morales and the Golden Dragon Ohana.
Casey McPartland has been with Senior Grandmaster Morales for nearly 40 years as a student, head instructor, and chief instructor, and now as spokesman for the Ohana. During his business career he performed as a life and professional coach, and as a management and technical consultant in information technology building and managed large consulting organizations for over 45 years in the industry.

To contact Sr. GM Casey McPartland and Focus On Defense visit their listing on the Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory at by clicking on the image on the left.