I love this idea and if everyone created and gave away blessing bags for homeless we could bless so many people.
Keep Blessing Bags for homeless in your car and pass them out to people in need.
Making Blessing Bags is something special you can do with the kids to teach them about caring for others.
a Bible or other encouraging book you enjoy
gallon size Ziplock bags
chap stick
bottle of water
juice box
hand sanitizer
wet wipes
packages of tissues
hotel size shampoos
healthy food items:
power bars, trail mix, granola and granola bars, cheese and crackers, bagged tuna, canned goods, fruit cups, apple sauce, trail mix
plastic utensils
pack of gum
band aids
coins or predetermined dollar amount, say 5.00 (could be used to make a phone call, or purchase a food item)
gift cards
hand wipes
warm socks
a packet rain poncho
prepaid phone card
gloves and hat if its cold
tampons (for women)
The ideas are endless . . .
Assemble all the items in the Blessing Bags with a note of encouragement. Seal the Blessing Bags and stow them in your car to share with people in need.