Joy “Shizumi” Geary Hikari Ryuza Ryu Do Kan®

Joy "Shizumi" Geary

For the past several years I have been afforded the great privilege of studying under Grandmaster T. R. Crimi. All of my training in the martial arts is a credit to him. At the onset, there were a few commercial studios that I peered into, which proved to leave me wanting. It wasn’t until I found that true master of life – my teacher, Grandmaster Crimi, that my path was realized.

My name is Joy “Shizumi” Geary. I am the Co-owner and Sensei of Hikari Ryuza Ryu Do Kan®, and I hold the internationally recognized rank and title of Godan (7th degree black belt), Professor. My training in the arts includes Hikari Ryuza Ryu Jujutsu® and Danzan Ryu Jujutsu, and is worked at diligently every day of the week. Through my years of study in Hikari Ryuza Ryu Jujutsu® with Grandmaster Tyron Crimi I have been certified in the following courses pertaining to the healing arts:

“Hikari Ryuza Ryu basic Massage & Acupressure® Program
“Hikari Ryuza Ryu Seifukujutsu®-Okazaki Restorative Massage-500 hrs
“Hikari Ryuza Ryu basic Katsu-Ho® Program
“I also received my CMT (certified massage therapist) through Foothills School of massage
“Certified instructor in CPR and first aid through american Red Cross ” hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Medicine

Through Grandmaster Crimi’s POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certified defensive tactics courses I am a DT Instructor for Nevada County Law Enforcement and the SWAT/SED teams, and have been for the past three years. My certifications in regards to defensive tactics are:

“Hikari Ryuza Ryu Do Kan DT Course® (mdts-monadnock defensive tactics system basic course) (295-g-2d)
“Hikari Ryuza Ryu ATGRD® (advanced tactical ground defense)
“Hikari Ryuza Ryu PCT Course® (pain compliance techniques)

In addition to the defensive tactics courses that Grandmaster Crimi teaches, and by the way – donates his time to, he also runs a weekly volunteer class for all of Nevada County’s volunteer deputies and retirees in law enforcement. My time is also donated to these classes each week. Like his teacher-professor “Bud” Estes, my teacher – Grandmaster Crimi is very emphatic about community service. Therefore, as part of the requirements for a member of the Hikari Ryuza Ryu Yudansha Kai®, the black belt must donate time to community service.

In the area of women’s self defenseI am certified in 1000 hours of Hikari Ryuza Ryu Fujin Goshin No Maki® (scroll of women’s self defense). Over the last 28 years 0ver 1000 women have gone through this course.

Through the national fitness instructor’s association I am a certified personal trainer. Also, I am on the board of examiners for Hikari Ryuza Ryu Jujutsu® and Danzan Ryu Jujutsu through the WCAF. I am proud and honored to be a lifetime member and on the ladies committe for the European Ju-jutsu Union from the late Dr. Vernon C. F. Bell. My teacher is the United States Representative and Chief Technical Advisor for the E.J.J.U.

The Unified World Martial Arts Federation awarded me Outstanding Sensei in the month of October, and in the year 2001.